Kate Edwards - Bendigo Dietitian
Accredited Practising Dietitian - Dietitians Australia

Kate Edwards - Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) Charles Sturt University 2005. 

Kate is the owner of Happy Eating Dietetics and an Accredited Practising Dietitian with over 16 years experience working with people from all age groups offering support in a variety of health conditions.

Kate’s approach is to encourage people to have a happy relationship with food, and is passionate about educating and providing practical strategies to people and families to supporting them in reaching their goals. 

With personal experience of having children who are fussy eaters this area has evolved in becoming a passion for Kate, and enjoys problem solving ideas to support children and families who experience feeding concerns. Fussy eating or restricted food variety are complex, and as a result Kate has undertaken further training in this area by completing SOS Approach to Feeding - level 1 training and Introduction to Ellyn Satter – Division of Responsibility.  

Sensitive and inclusive to the needs of all people and routinely works with people that are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 

Over the last few years, Kate has worked as a member of a multidisciplinary Paediatric Diabetes team and provides education and support to families regarding carbohydrate counting.  

Kate has extensive experience working with people diagnosed with an eating disorder such as bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder. To support the management of these health conditions Kate has completed a number of training sessions through the InsideOUT Institute for Eating Disorders and Health at Every Size to support improving people's relationship with food and encourage a happy eating environment.